Category: Chapter Business
Officers and Directors Elected for 2024-2025
A new slate of Officers and Directors was elected at FTTU’s Annual Meeting on Wednesday, October 2, 2024.
FTTU’s officers for 2024-2025 looks a lot like last year’s. Larry Myers is back by popular demand as President, Rick Yaksic returns as Vice President, Ron Rodgers retains the duties of Treasurer and Scott Minster is back as Secretary.
Returning Directors include Rod Cross, Bill Somgyi and Milt Claney. The newly elected Directors are Barb Hauger, Dan Ferguson and Brian Zimmerman.
Barb, Dan and Brian replace outgoing Directors Angie Schultheis, Hank Balles and Doug Yocabet.
Many thanks to Angie, Hank and Doug for their service to the chapter.
In other news, Michelle Dunlevy has agreed to take over as chair of the Diversity Committee now that Angela Schultheis has taken the responsibility of Education Committee chair.
Welcome Michelle!
Outstanding Volunteers Honored at FTTU November Meeting
Officers and Directors Set for 2023-2024
FTTU’s slate of Officers and Directors was set at the Annual Meeting in October. Two Director positions were open with Milt Claney and Bill Somogyi’s terms expiring. Both Milt and Bill agreed to serve another 3-year term. The only other change has Rick Yaksic replacing Denny Hess as Vice President as Denny has decided to step down. Many thanks to Denny for his years of service as an officer. He is passionate about improving the health of Linn Run and Rock Run and will continue on as Chair of the Conservation Committee.
Rick Yaksic is happily married for the past 22 years and retired from Westmoreland Casemanagement and Supports where he ran a program that helped adults with mental illness achieve life skills. This program covered all of Westmoreland County including Torrance State Hospital and inmates in our county jail.
Rick is currently seated as a member of Westmoreland Casemanagement and Supports board of directors.
He is an active member of his church’s council. For the last 15 years Rick has been a member of the Ray of Hope Suicide Awareness Task Force.
Rick has been a fisherman all his life but has only been fly fishing for the past 3 years. Rick also enjoys fly tying and because of an invitation from Larry who attends the same church, became a member of Forbes Trail Trout Unlimited and enjoys helping with all the community events and educational activities as much as possible.
FTTU Receives Awards at PATU Annual Meeting
Larry Myers, FTTU President, was recognized at the Pennsylvania Council of Trout Unlimited annual meeting with the Ken Sink Award for Outstanding Service to PA Trout. Larry headed up efforts for a comprehensive study and Cold Water Conservation Plan for the Linn Run Watershed, which was completed earlier this year. He also coordinated 5 TU chapters and secured funding for a relaunch of the Laurel Highlands Trout Trail which is back now better than ever.
Larry commented, “of my 37-year professional career, serving TU is probably my most rewarding assignment. I personally have been blessed to serve with an energetic and talented group of members. Their skills and willingness to serve continues to amaze me.”
Congratulations Larry!
Our chapter also received the Samuel Slaymaker Award for best chapter newsletter. Scott Minster has been the editor since 2001!
Treasurer Ron Rodgers represented our chapter at the Annual Meeting held in Bellefonte, PA on September 16, 2023.
Please note that if you receive the PA Trout newsletter in the mail or view it on-line, the report for our chapter is incorrect. At the end of the report, it inaccurately mentions a picnic for July 16 at the Kingston Sportsmen’s Club. There is no chapter picnic this year. We had a banquet for our 50th anniversary, and will not have a picnic this summer.
FTTU Recognizes Outstanding Volunteers at Annual Meeting
Forbes Trail Chapter of Trout Unlimited held its annual membership meeting last evening at the Nimick Education Center in west Ligonier. The meeting included the election of Officers and Directors. Forbes Trail also used the event to recognize several outstanding members for their service. The Chapter has a selection of formal awards they present to TU members and other individuals and businesses from the community.
The Chapter recognizes businesses in the area that have worked closely with TU to support our mission. This year’s winner of the Ed Bordas Memorial Business Support Award is the new PA Fly Co tackle shop, owned and operated by TU Director, Doug Yocabet. The shop is located on top of three-mile hill east of Mt. Pleasant on Rt. 31. Doug has opened his shop for monthly Chapter meetings in the classroom portion of the facility. We have partnered with PA Fly Co on fly tying classes for ladies and youth, community events and special TU activities. It’s a great symbiotic relationship being able to support each other while we meet the needs of our members and the community.
Our Russ Mowry Memorial Silver Trout Award is reserved for individuals who have gone above and beyond in volunteering their time and talents. This year’s award goes to Ron Miller of Latrobe. Ron has volunteered an incredible amount of time working on the Chapter’s Coldwater Conservation Plan for Linn Run, assisting with stream conservation programs as well as fly tying and fly-fishing activities with area schools. He helps with our annual fishing event for military veterans and leads a group of volunteers to help Linn Run State Park and State Forest staff treat hemlock trees for the invasive Woolly Adelgid that is threatening our forest. Ron has raised the bar for all of us who volunteer our time pursuing TU’s mission in our communities.
We also saluted one of our members who has served the Chapter as a volunteer and officer for over two decades. Scott Minster from Latrobe has managed our web site, our newsletters, fundraisers and designed promotional materials for Chapter events. Our newsletters recently won an award and special recognition from PA TU Council thanks to Scott’s efforts. Scott’s pro bono services saves the Chapter thousands of dollars each year. And while Scott records the minutes of every meeting, he still finds time to volunteer his services on our Linn Run studies, annual military fishing event and other community activities. To recognize his special service, Scott was presented with a Life Membership in Trout Unlimited which includes his choice of a high-quality fly rod.
It is our chapter’s pleasure to recognize exceptional performances!
FTTU Leadership Slate Set for 2021-2022
The Forbes Trail Chapter officers and directors were set for the coming year at the Annual Meeting in October. A new director, Angela Schultheis was elected to the board and Hank Balles was re-elected – both for three year terms. Angie is also FTTU’s Women’s and Diversity Chair. The line-up of officers remains the same, all have one year remaining on their two-year terms.
Congratulations to Angie and thanks to outgoing director Dr. Lou Izzo.
Directors – 1-year term
Rod Cross – Acme
Doug Yocabet – Acme
Directors – 2-year term
Milt Claney – Greensburg
Ron Rodgers – Greensburg
Directors – 3-year term
Hank Balles – Ligonier
Angela Schultheis – Latrobe
Directors Emeritus
Tom Evans – Ligonier
Ralph Koscianski – Greensburg
Bob Shusko – Ligonier
President – Larry Myers – Greensburg
Vice President – Denny Hess – Irwin
Treasurer – Monty Murty – Laughlintown
Secretary – Scott Minster – Bradenville
Committee Chairs
Finance – Bob Shusko – Ligonier
Conservation – Denny Hess – Irwin
Rock Run – Ralph Koscianski
Women & Diversity – Angela Schultheis – Latrobe
Loyalhanna Watershed Association Liaison – John Albright – Youngwood
Newsletter/Website – Scott Minster – Bradenville
Facebook/Social Media – Doug Yocabet – Acme, Angela Schultheis – Latrobe
Fundraising – Monty Murty – Laughlintown
Veterans – Larry Myers – Greensburg
Youth Education – OPEN
Education – Rod Cross – Acme
Membership – Bonnie Robinson – Ligonier
Notice of Annual Meeting
Our next monthly meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, October 6 at 6:00 PM and it will be at the Bear Rocks Community Center east of Mt. Pleasant. The Center is on Big Spring Road. Coming from Mt. Pleasant east on Rt. 31, go up 3-mile hill and turn right near the top before a brown building, which is Doug and Michele’s new fly shop, then turn left at the Pizza Shop. Continue to the Bear Rocks Community brown, wooden sign. The club is on the right, parking on the left. We are not requiring masks but some may prefer to wear them.
This is also our Annual Membership Meeting. We will hold an election to fill two vacancies for Directors positions. We have changed the format of our meetings somewhat. The Executive Committee will conduct business in advance of the monthly meetings and report significant decisions to the members. That, we hope, will minimize the length of the business meetings. Committees will still need to be prepared to give their reports and we’ll update members on all upcoming activities. Then, at the end of each meeting we will allow time for socializing and provide light food and soft drinks. This will allow members more time to catch up on fishing and other activities. Our November monthly meeting will be back at the Loyalhanna Watershed barn in Ligonier.
Slate of Officers and Directors Approved for 2021-22
At our annual meeting on October 7, 2020, members approved the proposed line-up of Directors and Officers for the next 2-year term.
Directors – 1-year term
Hank Balles – Ligonier
Lou Izzo – Jeannette
Directors – 2-year term
Rod Cross – Acme
Doug Yocabet – Acme
Directors – 3-year term
Milt Claney – Greensburg
Ron Rodgers – Greensburg
Directors Emeritus
Tom Evans – Ligonier
Ralph Koscianski – Greensburg
Drew Banas – Ligonier
Bob Shusko – Ligonier
President – Larry Myers – Greensburg
Vice President – Denny Hess – Irwin
Treasurer – Monty Murty – Laughlintown
Secretary – Scott Minster – Bradenville
Committee Chairs
Finance – Bob Shusko – Ligonier
Conservation – Denny Hess – Irwin
Rock Run – Ralph Koscianski
Women & Diversity – Angela Schultheis – Latrobe
Loyalhanna Watershed Association Liaison – John Albright – Youngwood
Newsletter/Website – Scott Minster – Bradenville
Facebook/Social Media – Doug Yocabet – Acme, Angela Schultheis – Latrobe
Fundraising – Monty Murty – Laughlintown
Veterans – Larry Myers – Greensburg
Youth Education – Drew Banas – Ligonier
Education – Rod Cross – Acme
Membership – Bonnie Robinson – Ligonier