Posted in Citizen Science Rock Run

Rock Run Water Test Results

Rhododendron was in bloom at Linn Run State Park

Monthly water quality tests were done at the mouth of Rock Run on June 30, 2024

Air Temperature – 72°
Water Temperature – 65°F
Linn Run Gauge – 1.63′
Linn Run Discharge – 4.57 ft³/sec
pH – 7.2
Alkalinity – 7.0

Posted in Citizen Science Rock Run

Rock Run Water Tests for 3.30.24

RR Bridge
Rock Run Runs under Linn Run Road before flowing into Linn Run
pH Testing
Scott Minster and Denny Hess check pH meters

Spring is coming to the Laurel Highlands as the FTTU citizen scientists conducted water quality tests at the mouth of Rock Run.

pH – 7.2
Alkalinity – 3.5
Water Temperature – 41°
Air Temperature – 42°
Linn Run Gauge – 1.82′
Linn Run – 10.0 ft³/sec

Posted in Citizen Science Rock Run

Rock Run Water Tests 3.2.24

Linn Run
Linn Run flows strong, cold and clear - March 2, 2024

High flow today on Linn Run and Rock Run after heavy rains on February 29th. The Linn Run gauge bumped up again today with rain this morning.

It’s predictable, flow goes up, alkalinity goes down.

Air Temperature – 45°F
Water Temperature – 42.5°F
pH – 6.7
Alkalinity – 3.2
Linn Run Gauge Height – 2.3′
Linn Run Flow – 35.3 ft³/sec

Posted in Citizen Science Rock Run

Rock Run Water Tests for February

Water test results for February:
Water Temperature: 38° F
Air Temperature: 30° F
Linn Run Gauge: 2.08′
Linn Run Discharge: 24.2 ft³/sec
Flow: Med/High and clear
pH: 6.3
Alkalinity: 3.6

Alkalinity goes down with higher flow. This time from snow melt.

Water Collection
Ron Miller (L) and Denny Hess collect water samples near the mouth of Rock Run
Water Test Equipment
Denny Hess (L) and Scott Minster prepare to test alkalinity of Rock Run water samples.
Posted in Citizen Science Rock Run

Rock Run Water Tests January 2024

Linn Run Dec 30, 2023
Snow falls on Linn Run December 30, 2023

The first monthly water tests at the mouth of Rock Run for 2024 were actually done on December 30, 2023.
Just a hundred yards or so below  the test site rain changed to snow and began collecting in the tree tops and leaf litter. Winter is here!

Water Temperature – 39.5° F
Air Temperature – 32° F
pH – 6.8
Alkalinity – 6.0
Linn Run Gauge Height – 2.04′
Linn Run Discharge – 19.9 ft³/sec

Posted in Citizen Science Rock Run

Rock Run Water Tests 12.2.23

Rock Run
Rock Run 12.2.23

Recent rains have pumped up the volume of Rock Run on this Saturday, the final water test of 2023.

Air Temp – 53° F
Water Temp – 45.5° F
pH – 6.9
Alkalinity – 6.1
Linn Run Discharge – 16.1 ft³/sec
Linn Run Gauge Height – 1.98′

pH and alkalinity averages are down slightly from 2022, but considering a pH reading of 4.7 was recorded at this loctation in 2005 we can rest assured our limestone sand project has had a overall positive impact on the stream.

Click HERE to download the final pH chart for 2023.

Posted in Citizen Science Rock Run

Rock Run Water Tests 10.28.23

Water tests at the mouth of Rock Run were done on what may be the last “nice” Saturday of the year.

Air temp was 63° F
Water Temp – 55.5° F
pH – 7.1
Alkalinity – 10.0
Linn Run Gauge – 1.9 ft
Linn Run Discharge – 9.65 ft³/sec

Linn Run
Linn Run October 28, 2023
Posted in Citizen Science Rock Run

Rock Run Water Tests 9.30.23

Goldenrod is everywhere in early fall, even along mountain trout streams

Here’s the results of water tests at the mouth of Rock Run.

Air Temperature: 59°F
Water Temperature: 56.5°F
Linn Run Gauge: 1.64′
Linn Run Discharge: 3.68 ft.³/sec
pH: 6.9
Alkalinity: 9.2
Flow: Low/Clear

The streams had decent flow, but we could use some rain to allow trout to move upstream to spawn.

Posted in Citizen Science Rock Run

Rock Run Water Tests 8-31-23

White Snakeroot
White Snakeroot in bloom along Rock Run

Here’s the water test results for August 31, 2023:

Air Temperature: 68°F
Water Temperature: 60.5°F
Linn Run Gauge: 1.85′
Linn Run Dischrge: 9.65 ft³/sec
pH: 7.1
Alkalinity: 8.2

Posted in Citizen Science Rock Run

Rock Run Water Tests 7.29.23

Rock Run 7-29-23
Neither rain nor snow....The mouth of Rock Run looks like a boreal rain forest in this shot from the rainy morning of July 29, 2023.
Linn Run Turbidity
Linn Run running uncharacteristically turbid (fancy word for muddy) after a rainstorm
pH Monitor
Perfect pH 7.0 recorded on this meter.

Citizen Scientists were met with a downpour for monthly water tests at the mouth of Rock Run on July 29. The (much welcome) rain forced a quick sample collection and tests conducted in the pavilion at Adams Falls.

The results:
Air Temperature: 68°F
Water Temperature: 63.5°F
pH: 7.0
Alkalinity: 6.7
Linn Run Gauge: 1.85′
Linn Run Flow: 9.65 ft³/sec

Despite the hottest day of summer on the previous day, Rock Run flows at a trout healthy 63.5 degrees.