Posted in Citizen Science Rock Run

Rock Run Water Tests For June

Rhododendron is in bloom along Linn Run

Monthly water tests were conducted at the mouth of Rock Run on Saturday, June 3.

Water Temperature – 57.5°F
Air Temperature – 66°F
pH – 7.2
Alkalinity – 6.1
Linn Run Gauge – 1.65′
Linn Run Discharge – 3.54 ft³/sec

Hot, dry weather has come early to the Laurel Highlands this year, however, there was a lower flow recorded in June of 2020 when the Linn Run gauge was at 1.42′. Some rain would be nice though.

Posted in Citizen Science Rock Run

Rock Run Water Tests 4-29-23

Rock Run April 29, 2023

Here’s the results of water quality tests at the mouth of Rock Run on April 29, 2023.

Air Temperature: 54°
Water Temperature: 48°
Linn Run Gauge: 1.97′
Linn Run Discharge: 15.5 ft³/sec
pH: 7.45
Alkalinity: 5.0

Posted in Citizen Science Rock Run

Rock Run Water Test Results April 2023

Rock Run April 2023

Here’s the results of water quality tests at the mouth of Rock Run
on April 2, 2023.

Air temp: 30°F
Water temp: 41°F
Linn Run Discharge: 20.6 ft³/sec
Linn Run Gauge: 2.09
pH: 7.7
Alkalinity: 3.3
Flow: med/high and clear

Posted in Citizen Science Rock Run

Rock Run Water Tests March 2023

Tree Fall Rock Run

Monthly Rock Run Water Tests 2-25-23

It was a cold morning as the FTTU citizen scientists conducted monthly pH and alkalinity tests with frozen hands.

We arrived to find even more trees and branches down over the stream.

Air Temp – 28° F
Water Temp – 37.5° F
pH – 7.3
Alkalinity – 3.4
Linn Run Discharge – 21.1 ft³/sec – Medium High

Posted in Citizen Science Rock Run

Rock Run Water Tests February 2023

Rock Run January 29, 2023
Rock Run January 29, 2023

“If a tree falls in the forest, and no-one is there to hear, does it make a sound?”

The answer is “Yes”, and a pretty loud one too when this one came crashing down roots and all across Rock Run, probably during high winds from the storm on 1/25/23.

Results of water tests 1/29/23
Water Temperature: 38.5°
Air Temperature: 38°
pH: 7.8
Alkalinity: 3.8
Linn Run Gauge: 1.94′

Posted in Citizen Science Rock Run

Rock Run Water Tests 1-1-23

Mouth of Rock Run
Happy New Year. Beautiful winter scene on Rock Run.

The first of the year brings some snow but warming temperatures.

Air Temperature – 37°F
Water Temperature – 34.5°F
Linn Run Gauge – 1.81 ft.
pH – 7.5
Alkalinity – 4.3 ppm

Posted in Citizen Science Rock Run

Final Rock Run Water Tests For 2022

Mouth of Rock Run 12-3-22
Mouth of Rock Run 12-3-22

FTTU Citizen Scientists wrapped up monthly water tests at the mouth of Rock Run for 2022. After a few months of low water, The flow was at its highest since April. Readings showed pH at 7.4, and Alkalinity at 5.5. Air temperature was 50° and water temperature was 43°. Linn Run gauge was at 2.03 ft. and discharge was 16.3 ft³/sec.

Averages over the 12 months of 2022 were 7.55 pH and 6.85 alkalinity. Alkalinity was down a bit from 2021 but average flow was a little higher. Those two things go hand-in-hand. When flow is up, alkalinity goes down. Overall averages show significant improvement and slow but steady progress since we started doing monthly tests in 2017. Alkalinity that year was 5.9 and pH was 6.47.

The pH and alkalinity chart for 2022 can be seen here – pH Chart 2022

Posted in Citizen Science Conservation Rock Run

Rock Run Water Tests for November

Stream-Side Lab
Denny Hess prepares samples at our stream-side lab

Water quality tests for November:

Air Temperature: 42° F
Water Temperature: 47.5° F
pH: 7.5
Alkalinity: 12.4
Linn Run Gauge: 1.46
Linn Run Flow: 1.9 ft³/sec

A splash of rain brought water levels up a bit but alkalinity also went up. Maybe recent addition of limestone has helped.

Posted in Citizen Science Rock Run

Rock Run Water Tests 10-1-22

Rock Run
Mouth of Rock Run 10-1-22

Air Temperature – 49°F
Water Temperature – 51.5°F
pH – 7.6
Alkalinity – 11.0

Some rain would be nice. Flow only slightly better than September. Trout are getting ready to spawn and will need to move.

Posted in Rock Run

Limestone Moved to Stream Banks in Rock Run Headwaters

Twenty-Five tons of limestone sand delivered in May was moved to final position along the stream banks of the East Branch of Rock Run in the stream’s headwaters.

The sand will slowly wash into the stream and buffer acidity creating more hospitable water chemistry for trout and other aquatic organisms.

This makes a grand total of 600 tons of sand placed in Rock Run since the inception of the project in 2005

Your raffle ticket/donation dollars at work, FTTU purchases 25 tons of high calcium limestone every 2-3 years for about $2,000.

FTTU’s project manager, Denny Hess was on hand to oversee the transfer and placement. Denny had the sand placed in 3 different locations.

A big Thank You to Linn Run Park Manager Corey Snyder and the Park Maintenance Staff for their help. The use of their front loader and dump truck saved many hours of hard labor.

Sand Pile
Limestone sand pile ready to move into final position.
Skid Steer Loader Dumping Limestone Load
Dumping sand at stream's edge.
Skid Steer Loader Moving Limestone
Front Loader moves limestone sand to stream bank.
Sand on Stream Bank
Limestone sand spread on headwaters stream bank.
Huge thank you to these guys, DCNR Maintenance Crew with Linn Run Park Manager Corey Snyder.
Low Water
Rock Run low flow in late summer.